Gigi playing nerf football with the ganesh. She has her new Korean visor on.

The view from Kevin and Ann's balcony overlooking the Arabian Sea.

Vince constructing a suspension bridge. Uncle Brian could not find the remote control boat that turns into a plane that he promised. Uncle Brian learned to make more realistic promises next time, although Vince did not complain and liked his bridge very much.

The Krembs' apartment is decked out with some cool local handy-work.

Jen loved shopping in Mumbai. Here she is showing off her new golden flip-flops

Kevin in South Bombay on the boardwalk.

Ann and Jen taking in the sights.


The guy to the right followed us for quite awhile. Apparently, that is normal and done out of curiosity, not just to be a weirdo.

This is the walkway out to the Haji Ali Mosque. This was quite an experience for us.

The archway out on the island where the mosque is.

The entrance

This is the rocky point of the island where some people bathe.

Quite a beautiful site.

Walking back from the Haji Ali.

Here is the island on the walkway back. To the right of the walkway are all the beggars and crippled folks chanting and praying.

This is gross but I had to put it up anyway. That is a beach covered in garbage near the mosque.

This is called the Dhobi Ghats. This is a huge open-air wash complex for the cities dirty laundry.

A slum surrounds the wash areas.

This is a view from the car of Victoria Terminus. Mumbai has some very cool old architecture.

This is the train board inside the station. Looks a little different than a European board.

Can't remember what building this is, but it is across the street from train station.

This is inside Crawford Market. This guy wanted to give us a tour, for a price of course. We declined.

This is a street in a neighborhood near a famous Muslim bazaar.

It must have taken us 15 minutes to cross this street on foot. No crosswalks.

Sunset back at the Krembs'

Vinnie Vindaloo looking for something.

Aunt Jen and Gigi.

This is the front of the Taj Hotel near the Gateway to India.

On the backside of the hotel. India is the land of extremes, as Jen accurately says.

The Gateway to India.

From across the street.

We counted 8 people in this cab.

This is now at Kevin and Ann's school. They have a beautiful pool out back.

This is an open-air atrium at school.

The cafeteria.

Ann at her desk in the library.

Kevin and Ann in the library. Ann is showing off the school mascot.

Off to Goa for 4 nights! This is on the tarmac in Goa. We thought having a tractor pull the luggage is a great idea.

Breakfast at Bogmalo Beach.

A few cows taking a breather from the afternoon heat.

Gigi getting ready for her nightly dance party.

Vince and Gigi trying out their bed in Goa.

The dude getting in the spirit with his new Goa shirt.

A night market in Goa where they had live music. It's hard to see but their is a guy playing the sitar to the left.

Jen and Ann had a great time shopping here.

Sunset at Bogmalo Beach.

Vince and Gigi eating some ice cream.

Gigi and Vince taking a rest with Papa on the car ride to Baga Beach. This picture reminds me of a funny conversation we had about whether or not I could be a tank-top wearer. In the end, I made a compromise that when and if I ever move to a tropical or hot climate, then I will invest in tank-tops. The beauty of a compromise is that everyone is happy!

This was a great swimming beach.

Some locals enjoying themselves.

Jen getting ready for a dip.

This is right out of the hotel on the beach.

Behind our hotel was another fancier place that allowed us to use their pool. Very nice.

Back at Kevin and Ann's in Mumbai. Here is a view of their building from the beach. They are the 4th floor.

A pony ride on the beach? Why not?

The night before we left on the roof of their building.

Feeling good but sad to leave India and our wonderful family.

Juhu Beach.


Evelyn and Sayed helped make our stay comfortable and safe. A big thanks to them!

Lastly, we want to thank Kevin, Ann, Vincent and Gigi for being such awesome hosts to us for the 12 days we were there. This was truly a memorable trip for Jen and I. We can't wait for another opportunity to go back.
Next destination- USA June 15th.
Yes! Sitars! Do you think we like sitars because it sounds like "centaurs"?
Onward to America!
Great Pictures you two! Looks like a blast!
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