So, since the last post (sorry about the bullet points), we have enjoyed much.
The week was dominated by Curriculum Nights. I had the auspicious honor of attending both events as part of my duties. Both nights went well and we believe the parents went home with a better idea of what their children were going to learn throughout the year.
To cut to the more fun information, we were psyched to see Cork! We were so exhausted from the week that we came home Friday night after the week and immediately passed out for a quick nap. We awoke to a call from Cork as he was on his way to see us. I met him down at the subway stop. After I introduced him to our place, he was impressed, we went out to see the neighborhood. We ate at a local Korean BBQ joint and enjoyed just chatting. Afterwards, we introduced him to E-Mart and walked down the riverwalk for an hour or more. The next morning, we were so tired, we slept in till 9 or so. We enjoyed a lazy George-Bensonesque morning sipping on coffee, calling family from home, and just breezin'. Next, we subbed up to school to show Cork what work looked like. It felt nice to have a family member see our workplace (see pics below). Later that night, Cork's buddy J.H. and his wife Kim picked us up for dinner. Dinner was awesome up near the Seohyeon Station or Samsung Plaza (apparently, Samsung and friends controls 1/3 of Korea's enormous economy..Park Place, Boardwalk, and Monopoly). After dinner, we drove out to a tea house. Interesting conversation aside, we drove by a beautiful lake on the way home that we must revisit.
The next morning, we awoke a bit earlier to roll on up to the city. We visited a huge palace (see below) called Gyeongbokgung. This was the royal seat of Korea's tumultuous past. I feel as though I have a better feel for Korea's history after the 2 hours of walking through this palace than from all the books I've read on the subject. We felt quite hungry after our tour and decided we must eat! We took a sub to the next stop for food only to realize that we could've walked there faster. This was Insa-dong and we were happy to see some restaurants. We found a delicious joint for tasty fried pork and a giant spicy pancake. After walking around the market for a bit, we realized it was time to leave and go to the Express Bus Terminal to drop Cork off for the airport. We did, we were sad, and here we are on Monday night. Until next week...

"That's Mr. Cookie to you.

Our soccer field has a nice view.

Counseling myself in my office.

Nice view from the High School.

In front of my office.

Cork contemplating Kindergarten.

The view from Jen's room.

Don't speak out of turn!

Cork and Jen in the lower gym.

That palace is amazing. So much detail. It looks unreal, or - like a set from a movie. Probably super duper old too. Isn't it fantastic to imagine what was going on in those courtyards and fields two hundred years ago? Seven hundred years ago? Absolutely beautiful.
Sweet offices by the way, Mr. and Mrs. Krembs. :)
Take care of each other. What up, Cork?
Be careful. That spider looks like it could be a hobo....
Keep on rockin' in the free world, Krembsies!
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