The train station in Milan.

We found the new GU in Florence building. They were all locked up for the holidays, but it looks quite nice.

One of the hotels we used to live in.

The entrance to Fiorentina

Ah, the delicious Rivoire hot chocolate

Up at Piazalle Michaelangelo

The view over Flo

Santa Croce. One of the prettiest churches in Florence.

New Year's Eve up at San Miniato. All the smoke was from firecrackers. The Italians were going crazy with fireworks.

New Year's Day on the Arno

The bizarre and peculiar Arno rats. They look like beavers but with rat tails. Kinda gross. We asked a couple of Italians what they are called...they just laughed and said they didn't know.

San Miniato

We went cheese shopping at the Mercato Centrale. A wheel of pecorino and a huge wedge of parmesan.

The famous Art Bar. A yummy Mexican Coffee. My personal favorite.

The florentine lily in front of the Palazzo Vechio

The Palazzo Vechio in Piazza Signoria

The view of the Duomo from Palazzo Antinori

Our last stop on Euro Tour 2007-08 was Rome. Both of us had been to Rome several times before, but this was our favorite visit so far. We gained a new appreciation for Rome and can't wait to go back. Down the street from where we stayed, we found an awesome hole in the wall restaurant. It was super cheap, too.
Here is the Colloseum.

The Arch of Contstantine

The ruins of the Roman Forum.

More ruins

The Pantheon

The Trevi Fountain

The Spanish Steps

A famous bridge...I can never remember the name of that building in the background...

Saint Peter's from across the Tiber

Approaching Saint Peter's

Saint Peter's square

Looking down the nave

Michealangelo's Pieta

The columns around Saint Peter's square

Colloseum at night

Holy Cow, that was an awesome trip! In fact, that may have been the best yet. I can't believe it but we are off to Thailand in another week. This trip we plan to just relax.
Hope all is well with everyone!
The Krembs