Sorry for the brief hiatus.
We just returned from our one week holiday to Busan, South Korea. It felt great to have some time to ourselves to relax from work. I've attached so many pictures that I don't need too much text.
Here's a picture of the Seoul Train Station. The train goes up to 300km/hr!

Busan has awesome markets


Fish soup!

Burlap bags full of hot chilis

Dried fishies

Our pal Jesika getting a tasty fresh brown sugar pancake.

A fleet of fishing boats in Busan harbor

"Look kids. It's a fishing boat."

Locals sorting fish

This madness stretches on and on. In fact, this is the largest fish market in Korea. Looks like that person wants 3 of everything.

A bottom fish. Yummy...

Nightime in Busan

Jen in Starbucks.

A rooftop in a park near where we stayed.

Jesika and Hugo on the train ride around a nearby island.

Beautiful coastline

Back in Busan at the beach. Not bad, eh?

A view of the resorty area

Beomeosa Temple just outside the city

This temple is in a beautiful valley up in the mountains.

Look at the intricate artwork on the walls here.

Great view

An awesome hike up the mountains. It was all day but well worth it.

No, it's not the Great Wall but it'll do.

My sweetheart looking out over the valley far below.

Whoa...that's a lot of people. This is near Busan National University.

This is a profound statement.

Until next week...